Make a Donation We need your Support
Please donate today to secure the future of the Vancouver Islamic Center (VICS) and help us build a permanent community center at 650 East 49th Ave in South Vancouver. Founded in 2005, VICS has served our Muslim community for nearly 20 years with daily five-time prayers, two Friday congregational sessions, and Quran classes. However, our current rented facility lacks the space to accommodate women and comes with a demolition clause that could force us to vacate at any time. Your generous donation will enable us to create a dedicated center with separate prayer halls, educational programs, youth and senior services, matrimonial and funeral services, and weekly food distribution - ensuring a stable, inclusive, and thriving hub for our growing community.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said...“Allah said: ‘Spend, O Son of Adam, and I shall spend on you.’”
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We are very grateful for all donations made to Vancouver Islamic Center
(formerly known as Fraserview Muslim Community Services).
Please become regular monthly donor for this centre as we only depend on your donations for all of our activities.
Please donate generously as this ensures that the mosque is maintained properly and the Muslim community benefits from these facilities.
Please note that all donations are Tax Deductible. A Tax Receipt will be issued as soon as donation is received.
May Allah reward you for all your good deeds.
Jazakum Allah Khair.